Alejo García Pintos, is now filming in Pampa studies, excited to go to get into the role of Bartholomew.Nobody knows what will Leo Calderone to assemble a final in which Barto out on stage, did a flashback? "A memory? A resurrection? .. No one knows, but all we are delighted that all recorded together, although we all know it's because there are only about 10 chapters to write, or even less.There's nothing left for the studios close their doors Pampa scenes Almost Angels forever, and perhaps for the last strip of Cris Morena Group.A great happiness for the discovery of a beautiful and magnificent cast, is what we all feel, but at the same time, we know that there is time, and that things are completed.
October 14, 2010
Alejo Garcia Pintos recorded today (Bartolome) in Pampa

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