Nicolas Vazquez is back for the second time in Casi Angeles.The actor starred in Cris Morena strip throughout 2007 with Emilia Attias and 2008 mid-year after I leave the program and returned to close the story in the last week of the second season. Emilia followed a year with the figure of Paz, the daughter of Cielo and Nico but Vazquez left the program.Cris Morena Nicholas offered back to the program this year but he refused. And both artists came to an agreement, Nicolás Vázquez Teenangels shall return to the stage at the end of the program to close the story as it deserves after 4 consecutive years of success.Nico Vazquez is not the only actor to return to the strip for the final Telefe. Cris is trying to convince the cast to leave the strip at some point. Mariano Torre is suspected, Julia Calvo, Jimena acardia and some of the younger children.If we look for common sense, the characters of Casi Angels should return to their time and return to his people in 2010. Emilia Attias convince "? ...
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